Quality System
E&I Global Solutions (Aust) has an AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 accredited quality system. Quality is a key driver for the company and all aspects of work are covered by E&I’s Quality Management System.
E&I Global Solutions (Aust) provides traceability and tracking of all equipment and systems to provide very high-level support to clients.
E&I Global Solutions (Aust) holds the following insurances:
E&I Global Solutions (Aust) is DEEWR code compliant for government funded construction projects and has electrical contracting licences in all Australian states.
E&I Global Solutions (Aust) is committed to providing Total Quality Management which is the outcome of applying the principals and practices of successful quality management to all quality related functions of the organisation. It embraces the cornerstone of organisational management through Quality Assurance and the fundamental activity of continuous Quality Improvement certified to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008, as well as Quality Management. This also includes OH&S policies to AS/NZS 4801:2001 and our Environmental policies to AS/NZS 14001 2004.
ue urna risus, blandit vel augue eget, tempor aliquet ante. Praesent scelerisque lacinia rhoncus. Curabitur venenatis nunc sed porta scelerisque. Integer eu sem lacus. Quisque in dui placerat mauris ultricies congue et sed leo. Maecenas id dapibus arcu.
ue urna risus, blandit vel augue eget, tempor aliquet ante. Praesent scelerisque lacinia rhoncus. Curabitur venenatis nunc sed porta scelerisque. Integer eu sem lacus. Quisque in dui placerat mauris ultricies congue et sed leo. Maecenas id dapibus arcu.
ue urna risus, blandit vel augue eget, tempor aliquet ante. Praesent scelerisque lacinia rhoncus. Curabitur venenatis nunc sed porta scelerisque. Integer eu sem lacus. Quisque in dui placerat mauris ultricies congue et sed leo. Maecenas id dapibus arcu.
ue urna risus, blandit vel augue eget, tempor aliquet ante. Praesent scelerisque lacinia rhoncus. Curabitur venenatis nunc sed porta scelerisque. Integer eu sem lacus. Quisque in dui placerat mauris ultricies congue et sed leo. Maecenas id dapibus arcu.